Monday, 11 December 2017



I'm not sure if you have heard about the term "Spiritual Awakening", but those of you who have experienced this massive shift in consciousness will probably have some very interesting stories to share.  I've been there, bought the t-shirt, still buying the pants and accessories to go with it too. You see this change in "self" is not a one time thing.  It's never ending, an ongoing film of series that can either be classified as a drama, comedy, sci-fi or as it is with me, all 3. With a huge emphasis on the dramatics.

You might have heard this term from celebrities like Jim Carrey or Russel Brand, giving speeches and inspirational talks on their experiences and how on an
unsuspecting day, things were just different. Now this can happen over a long period of time or it can hit you like a bus going to "Who-knows-what-will-happen-next-ville".  It was this sudden realization, an epiphany that had me researching whether or not I was crazy or had I finally gotten off the bus, with no extra ticket to get out of "Who-knows-what-will-happen-next-ville".  One thing was for sure, I was going to be stuck in this town for a very long time, well, at least until I figured out some stuff.

I hit Google, oh I hit Google hard, reading, researching, learning, gaining more knowledge, reading of other's experiences.  I'm not talking about this fad of youngsters claiming to be part of this "new age" trend because they want to be totally rad and "with it", fit in with the crowd, because if this has actually happened to you, for real, you'd know that a spiritual awakening can be and probably is the toughest experience to deal with.  Hands down, you'd have to have a pretty impressive pair of balls to tackle this bull by the horns.  I'm proud to say, I have a pretty impressive pair myself.

My spiritual awakening happened what I might imagine, tiny bits at a time, so small that I wasn't aware of the mountains I had been manifesting with my constant questioning about life, purpose, destiny and mostly "why".  I wanted answers, I needed to know.
And then it hit me.  That bloody bus hit me right in the middle of my forehead. 
I was dabbling in a bit of astro-photography for a while and I'd sit outside while figuring out the perfect settings for star trails and moon shots and most of all my favourite past time, capturing meteors. 

Name: Southern Delta Aquariid...or what some of us will call a "shooting star"
(The Southern Delta Aquariids is a meteor shower visible from mid July to mid August each year with peak activity on July 28 or 29 July. The Delta Aquariids get their name because their radiant appears to lie in the constellation Aquarius, near one of the constellation's brightest stars, Delta Aquarii.)
Taken: 26 July 3:53am 2014, Pretoria, South Africa
Subject distance: 4294967295 m
M, f/3.5, 30", ISO-360

Name: Star Trail (The line of light recorded on a photographic medium when a time exposure is made of a star in the night-time sky using a camera on a fixed mount, caused by the rotation of the earth during the period of time when the camera's shutter is held open.)
Taken: 25 July 8:50pm - 11:16pm, Pretoria, South Africa
M, f/3.5, 10", ISO-1400
319 images stacked

100% Illuminated, Super Full Moon, 08 September 2014

If anyone can tell me what this is, I would really like to know, what I do make of this and can clearly see, is a body/thing of some sort entering/exiting some form of black hole. 
(Photo creds:  Yours truly aka Tracy Trace)

I had
no idea that this solitude and doing what I love out in the dark moonlit skies was a form of meditation.  It was always so peaceful and beautiful, so beautiful.  I'd literally spend the whole night admiring the Universe up above me.  It was as if the sky had a story to tell me, and I'd listen so intently. 
The skies stories became so interesting that I could not put that book down and before soon, I'd discovered pages that were at first hidden.  Like Alice in Wonderland, I too had found the rabbit hole that unlocked things other people couldn't see.  It's really hard to explain to people that you can see what's happening "beyond" the stars.  I can see movements and other galaxies behind the sky you gaze to at night.  I can see meteors and particles in the night sky that shouldn't even be visible and the swafts of lights that swoosh past me have become part of my normal vision.
This my friends is what we call a lifting of the "veil".  When this veil is lifted, and you can see, feel and sense things in the magnificent intense way that they are, how they

Which brings me to a really serious problem.  Knowing all of this, experiencing this new found magical place within you, it sometimes gets hard to deal with reality.  Material things become material.  Time becomes just a number.  You no longer care to do things that don't serve you, you cannot handle negativity or gossip or people who have energy about them that clash with yours.  The struggle is real, and you will without a doubt, lose people along this journey. 
I can only describe this as (for now) a bittersweet taste that only I have the ability to change.  It's a massive learning curve and a lot of the time this awakening forces you to face the shadows of yourself to heal and move on.  I struggle tremendously with these shadows and if I can't  face them at that moment, trust me, the Universe will bring up that nasty head of fear until those shadows have grown a pair too.

For more info on "Spiritual Awakening" go to:

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