Tuesday, 26 December 2017


Most of us have a few amazing friends, if they aren't amazing, basically there's no need to call them friends.
Friends are those (sometimes) strange human beings we "adopt" like pets to keep us company, to spread our love onto and to keep us sane.  We can confide in them and them in us, offload our problems and happy times and we get to take them on outings too.

I've been blessed plenty with some of the most loyal and crazy insane humans to share my overly dramatic life with.
And just like pets, some of our friends stay forever until one or the other dies and then some are short lived.

My friends deserve solid white gold medals!  I don't think they'd ever find a friend like me ever! AND I THINK THEY THANK GOD OR WHOMEVER THEY BELIEVE IN FOR THAT.
I've heard my other half saying time and time again: "Tracy, you are so much hard work and I don't think many people can grasp you entirely...."
By that he means not many people will put up with me.  And he's right, I know I'm a whole lotta crosswords with very few clues.  Luckily he loves me endlessly and he is willing to wholeheartedly try fathom this puzzle out.

On this topic of Friends, here is a very crucial statement:
Or in the case of my one friend Kim, she just "chose" to stick around until she sort of grew onto me.  She grew so much that she became the fungus that my tree needed to survive.  (She's going to kill me for that statement, lol)
We will all have many friends throughout our lifetime, but we all need that "Kim-fungus" friend ;)
I'm all the way down in sunny South Africa and she's waaay up in (whatever the weather is like) Wales.  Even that, what I thought was a tad of an over the top, extravagant escape from me, it did not one bit change even the slightest sliver of friendship we have.

There are many different types of friends I've made along my 36 years of trips around the sun, primary school, my ice-skating career which lasted 7 years, my high school career and everyone I've met after that, being at the workplace, through friends of friends and the list goes on. 
Most of us still stay in touch but as we know, life goes on and so does everyone else.
That's the beauty of life and one's constantly changing paths we embark on.

Along this path we chose to travel with our friends and family, I have also stumbled upon a few MENTORS. These special angels sent to me at just the right moments, usually older individuals, full of wisdom and these gems I keep close for their knowledge is of utmost importance to me when my seas turn to tsunamis.
I like to call them the "mothers" or "guides" of my soul group.  These special humans never judge the choices I make, no matter how absurd they might seem at first, the guidance is always there and always  words of comfort and assurance are there.

So yes, A BIG YES! I have indeed been blessed plenty with so many people who care.....
Either that, OR, there's just so many people out there who think I'm a lost cause and I need plenty of help!
I prefer to dismiss the latter statement.

FRIENDS:  The gems that the Universe throws onto our paths to lessen the obstacles we hurdle ourselves over.

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